Monday, October 3, 2011

Complete the Sentence... "When I am spending 12 hours in Korean International Airport I would definitely ..."

1. Try Korean KFC
2. Take a shower
3. Sleep or lay down a bit
4. updating status on facebook and twitter - in progress
5. updating blog about .... anything... - in progress - Sort of?
6. window shopping
7. being a self photographer ... - in progress
8. taking pictures (of others) - in progress - not really, I had no strength 
9. Walk around the airport - in progress
10. Buy 1 or 2 magazines (Korean vogue and Elle are the targetttt)
11. Maybe do a little bit shopping...
12. Enjoy hearing people speaking Korean -
13. Enjoy seeing Korean PEOPLE (man or woman... hahaah I know I sound creepy)
14. Eating Korean foood (of course...) - in progress
15. Drink Coffee at Coffee Bene :P


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