Monday, August 29, 2016

Quarter-life Crisis....

Hi.. hi...

Yes, another post before August is ended.
Its title can sound a little sad, but no... no worries.. it is not a post full of my worry and whining about life. It is about something real, something that most of us have, is, or will face anyway.

Quarter-life Crisis usually comes to those people in their 20s. Mostly in mid 20s towards late 20s. or perhaps early 30s. It is not specifically for people in 25 years old, can be happened a little earlier or a little later. I think I am having it right now in the age of 27. Plus, perhaps because my life this year is full of surprise and uncertainty. It triggers me more to think about what I should do with my life.

What is it actually? Quarter-life crisis usually led by a question; "What should I do with my life" "What I have done" "What's next?". It is a period of time where you start questioning yourself. Perhaps, because you feel you are in the 'race'. Your high school friend is having the second baby, you college friend is owning her own company, you church friend is getting married, and here you are... not going anywhere, not doing something significant, just so-so. You start thinking that you haven't  done enough, and you should do something big. One thing for sure, you don't need to be like them do you? Look back, you have created a wonderful story on your own. Looking back, indeed, I have created a wonderful story on my own.

In my case though, I am totally walking blind-fonded. Not because I don't have options, I do have many options, but again, everything is still unsure. There is a 'pre-requisted' quest that needs to be done, to be able to conduct the next move. Sounds so exciting right? hahah, Thank God, I am in the age where I can be calmed a little bit and have no desire to rush everything, even though I am dying to know what would be happened soon. Naturally, as an Arian (a person born under Aries sign), I can be impatient, but God is good, He made me meet a lot of people who teach me how to slow down, and press the brake. I am blessed.

*Do you remember about Senior Syndrome that I have talked in my other blog yearssss ago, when I was in my senior year in college? I think I am in that stage all over again. The difference is, I am more relaxed. I am in the point where things are uncertain again. I mean... really. I have no power to move unless one thing is decided by the end of this year. Talking about what I want? Please, you better not asking. :) Partly, because I don't have any particular will. I am opened for everything. Well, I do wish to have things stay the same, but even if there is a change, I will accept it.  Life moves forward anyway. I am in a total surrender. My brain generates possibilities; I am having all the thoughts that are contradicted to another, but I try to hold my emotion such a fear that comes along, and let my intuition takes the lead. It works best like that. Things can be so unpredictable.
I reminisce how I felt when I decided to go home for good in 2011. You can find the story in here. It meant a lot because who knew, that it would be my last chance to be with my mom before she left this world. I am not saying this to scare you, but yep... life is too broad to be controlled only under your hand. And, fear is good. The bigger fear you have for what you are facing, the better things would happen. As odd as it is, life is unpredictable anyway You just have to... go for it.

*Oh funny fact, just a year a go, one of my friends mentioned about this, he too was having that syndrome again - or I may call.. a quarter-life crisis, a little earlier than me hahaha. Good thing, he now knows what he is doing, so I think he passes it finely. One more funny fact that he was having the senior syndrome with me back in the college years. Pal, if you read this, honestly I did not understand what you had through, but hey... here I am, I may say... "ah... this was what you have felt" lol

For you out there, who are in the Quarter-life crisis, Just don't be afraid. Take a chance! Not wasting your time to think too much. I don't mean, no thinking at all, but over thinking will give more troubles. Life moves forward indeed. There are too many great things are still uncovered. Things can be uncertain and perhaps, unstable, but who cares. Live as a happy person even your life can be flopped.
Worry less. Fall in love. Run. Stop. Kicking the stones, climbing up mountains, building your own 'history'.

Good luck to you...
Good luck to me...


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Currently - August Edition

As you may have read in my previous post, July was gone pretty fast as I had so many things to do. I went home for holiday, Office was closed for two days as we went to Batu for gathering, two days after that, I flew to Medan for the first time for a wedding. Snap snap snap... time flicks just like that. Not to mention, reports were awaiting to be done. Oh yeah... busy busy busy... One whole month, and not a single post. I am sorry for that.

Now, to conclude July and enjoying August , aaand welcoming September with a new spirit, let's dig in for "Currently" mode...

1. Songwise, I am really into spotify these days! Well, I was into it on my college days back in the States, but Spotify was exclusively only for US users only back then. It was just recently that spotify came to Indonesia. Hell yeah. My account is still active lol. I enjoyed the random play list given. My favorite discovery was Sara Gezarek. But, more Korean songs as well... I enjoyed HOMME's album so much. And yep.. finally I could discover more music. Rock on.

2. Dramawise, I am still watching current airing drama, but because of hectic schedules, I am a little behind, but now starting to catch up again. Currently and mostly done with 38 Force, and I don't know what to watch next. Since I have so many lines up. Perhaps trying some romance again Chen?
- To watch list: Let's fight Ghost, W, Uncontrollably Fond, The Good Wife, Age of youth, and Doctor Strangers.
- The review of 38 Force will be coming out soon.

3. Lfe itself. Oh wow August.
The 8th month of 2016 already.4 months to go and 2016 will be passed, new year will come. Do you remember that I was kinda down in the beginning of 2016?
 Now, I am seeing the pattern... everything is becoming clearer, and I am feeling blessed each and every day. This year, it might be still early to conclude what kind of year it is, but I have a feeling that it a year that my dreams are slightly, and slowly coming true... It was subtly different from last year. Last year was definitely, a year full of answered prayers. How it is different from this year? Again, it all involved a lot of magical thing occurring. I would not go into details for the sake of conclusion of the year, in the end of this year; therefore, please excuse me to be a blurry describer... LOL

Oh well, I have been dreaming to go to weddings since I have missed so many weddings, and this year was granted. Coincidence or not, many of my closest are getting married this year. From Medan to Makassar. and I am happy travelling for these wonderful people's special days.

Continue talking about 'dreams come true' thingy, you know... sometimes... it might not happened the way you wish. Most of the things happening around me is not exactly what I dreamt of, but... I have no authority to be fussy about it. Haha, I believe He knows it better. Again, I am facing uncertainty, but I am not panic, I knew it would be an exciting ride once again, for whatever would happen. Because I have learned that let the surprise be a surprise. Most of the time, 'the surprises' are not far from what I have dreamt about. Nevertheless, a 'surprise' is still a surprise. That's how 2016 has been treating me. Little surprises here and there, small miracles here and there...There haven't been big events unlike in 2015, where almost every two months had at least a big event haha... All in all, I am grateful.

I am sorry if this isn't going anywhere, hahaha...
Oh well... next week is September, and I pinky promise that Strawbearies will be active again for its "isi kepala yang berantakan" posts; hence, the hectic week coming.



Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Blessings in Small Miracles

Hi hi...
I am sorry for a long hiatus... many things have happened. I am busy in the office as same as in the house or in the weekend. Traveling here and there, work is getting hectic, house chores are awaiting. But, I need to post this. I have owed you much since June. Not to mention what a productive July; no posts at all! Additionally, I have been missing me writing in Bahasa. So, allow me to release my secret mellow passion in terms of Bahasa Literature.
NOTE: the rest of the post will be in Bahasa *mixed

Berkat itu tidak perlu megah. Hanya sepotong roti atau sebuah genggaman hangat. Tidak perlu gemilang... hanya beralamatkan "selamat malam" sebelum tidur, dan sebuah selimut yang baru dicuci. Hanya itu...  


Ada banyak banget kejadian dalam hidup aku selama 2 bulan ini yang membuat pikiran aku tertuju sama satu hal. I am blessed...

Ada banyak Small Miracles yang terjadi. Simple sih... nggak se-wow dapat uang dari langit. Tapi, cukup bikin aku untuk berhenti sejenak dan merasa bersyukur.

Kejadian-kejadiannya nggak jauh-jauh dari ketemu orang baru ataupun ketemu orang lama. Untuk itu kita mulai dengan kejadian di Bulan Juni!

Waktu itu aku nekat ke Solo sendirian untuk menghadiri kawinan dari salah satu bestieku di Seattle dulu. Acaranya sendiri hari Sabtu, tapi aku extended sampai hari Selasa dengan alasan mau menghabiskan cuti. Aku nggak kenal orang lain di Solo selain si mempelai cewek. Well, aku pergi dengan mindset kalau aku bakal banyak menikmati a lot of my me time, explore kota Solo, dan hanya sendiri saja. Aku nggak bakal berpikir bahwa rencana yang brilian itu diporak-porandakan oleh alam semesta :)
 Aku diberi kompensasi kamar hotel semalam, dengan teman si mempelai wanita satu lagi. Kita sebut si teman ini C. C juga dari Seattle, tapi kami belum pernah ketemu sebelumnya. Si mempelai jalan sama si C ini ketika aku udah transfer ke Minneapolis. Kami (me and C) sebelumnya cuma ngobrol sebatas di WA aja, baru pertama kali ketemu pas hari H di kamar hotel. Ajaibnya, obrolan kita nggak pernah selesai. Kelihatan kalau kita berdua setipe. haha. Lalu, di acaranya sendiri, kami didudukkan satu meja yang isinya semua ada teman si mempelai wanita dan pria dari luar kota. Aku dan C akhirnya kenalan dengan teman mempelai wanita yang lain yang kita sebut E. Dalam waktu 2 atau 3 jam di pesta itu, kami bertiga sepakat kalau kita ini baru ketemu sehari, tp it tells everything. Kita langsung klop dan berjanji untuk keep maintain our friendship. Sama halnya dengan teman2 si mempelai wanita yang ada di Solo. Langsung kayak ketemu teman lama. Pembicaraan kami ngalur ngidul ke mana-mana. Dan C akhirnya extend sehari dan ikut aku pindah hotel.

Lebih beruntung lagi, kami akhirnya diajak ke luar kota, ke Tawangmangu dengan salah satu temennya si mempelai wanita yang tinggal di Solo. One day was well spent. Tawangmangu was gorgeous. Ingetin aku sama perjalanan dari Seattle ke Portland.
Keesokan harinya juga nggak kalah menarik. Akhirnya, si mempelai wanita itu bisa spend time with us. Caught up. And with that I felt so blessed!!! Perjalanan aku ke Solo ditutup dengan aku naik kereta api Indonesia pertama kali. 7 Jam di kereta. Not bad!!! I enjoyed it so much.
Kesimpulannya,  semua rencana aku batal kejadian, tapi disempurnakan dengan caranya sendiri.

Kedua, kejadiannya baru-baru aja, nggak lama. Mungkin sekitar minggu lalu. Finally, satu perusahaan aku yang punya kantor-kantor cabang kota-kota lain, akhirnya kumpul di satu tempat. Amazing. Satu peristiwa itu aja udah luar biasa menurut aku, dan ternyata apa yang terjadi di sana bener-bener bikin aku grateful. Peristiwanya adalah Gala Dinner and Gathering with all Vistarian (for the staff working in our company) sekaligus ngerayain HUT Babeh (big boss) kita. Lokasinya di klub Bunga Batu, dan semua staff dari Jakarta, Bandung, Bali, dan Surabaya diundang ke sana. Kami para manejer masih punya sedikit tugas pas di sana. Ada mini meeting yang harus kami jalanin. Lalu masuk ke big event kita yang paling ditunggu-tunggu - Gala Dinner. Beberapa rombongan kami delayed, tapi the party went on greatly! Tiap center harus perform, jadi ada total 10 atau 12 performances. Semuanya seru-seru, dan bisa dibayangin, orang yang nggak kita sangka-sangka berjoget, bisa berjoget. Semuanya get loose. Semuanya meninggalkan egonya masing-masing, dan enjoyed the night. Including our big boss. hahaha I wouldn't go into details with that. Yang paling amazing adalah pas team aku perform. Team anak Malang - Tiga Srikandi dan Satu Gatot Kaca, karena kami cuma ber4. Dibanding center-center lain, kami termasuk yang paling sedikit anggotanya. Performance kami ditaruh di bagian akhir acara entah karena alasan apa. Aku udah kebat-kebit, ciut gara2 banyak banget team yang performancenya keren-keren sampai pake power point, rekaman, kostum. Sedangkan team malang hanya bermodalkan music live itu pun kalau aku nggak kagok main piano krn belum latihan sebelumnya, poster yang kita buat juga seadanya bermodalkan karton dan spidol, dan kami cuma perform nyanyi lagu yang tak lebih dari 2 setengah menit.
Lirik lagunya kami ganti-ganti berisikan curhat dan juga sedikit bertujuan untuk lucu-lucuan saja. Intinya mewakili nestapa seluruh staff VISTA yaitu terkait dengan market dan target dan pengalaman2 waktu event aja sih. Nggak ngayal2 banget. Latian full team dengan si gatot kaca itu juga dilakukan beberapa jam sebelum acara dimulai. Perform pake musik pas detik beneran perform. Aku di titik pasrah to the max. Hahahaha, tapi yang terjadi kami yang mendapatkan sambutan yang paling meriaaaaaaah *lebay. Mugnkin gara2 kami yang terakhir, jad nggak ada lagi team yang meninggalkan ruangan untuk persiapan performance mereka, kemungkinan kedua juga gara2 lirik kami amat sangat sentimentil ke mereka hahahaha. *I feel you dear allstudent consultants... lol. I am lovin it. Bukan hanya performance kami, tp tiap momen itu sendiri. Kapan lagi, di satu ruangan isinya semua VISTARIAN yang bisa juga jadi orang-orang gokil.....Nggak ada perbedaan kalau kamu itu Driver, Manager, Student Consultant, atau Admin, we were all as O.N.E.

Lalu keesokan harinya kami ada small gathering with fun games. Nah, yang paling seru itu adalah pas acara bebas, ada sekitar 14 orang main basket di kolam renang, dan it turned out to be the most brutal game ever!! hahahaha.... bola dipegang 1 orang, direbutin 3 orang. Pokoknya kami nggak berhenti sampai ada 1 yang mati kali hahaaha.. Nope, we did not have any bad intention of course. For your information, 14 orang itu terdiri dari team malang, bandung, surabaya, dan bali... lol.
I always love togetherness. Kebersamaan. Rasanya orang yang paling melankolis pun akan setuju kalau lagi barengan itu juga menyegarkan. Apalagi kalau pas ketemu dengan orang-orang yang seru.
Oh iya, malamnya kami para managers juga ngumpul buat menyampah hahahaha.Spill the beans, we are very transparent to each other. Ok, I won't go details for that, biarkan itu menjadi cerita kami aja.

I can conclude that those days were one of the best days ever!!!
Feel loved, giving love, enjoying every moment about it.

Kejadian-kejadian seperti itu membuat aku percaya kalau ketemu dengan bermacam-macam orang itu anugrah. Entah itu dengan orang yang cocok atau bahkan dengan orang tak cocokpun. Dari interaksi singkat atau pun panjang. Ada banyak hal yang sadar nggak sadar bisa kasih sesuatu ke kita. Dari pertemuan aku dengan orang-orang di Solo, membuat aku percaya bahwa Same feather Flocks together. Pada satu titik, kapan pun dan di manapun, ada orang-orang yang frekuensinya sama bisa dipertemukan. Di klub Bunga, aku berpendapat kalau kebersamaan itu hal berharga. Dan ketika aku bertemu orang yang kurang cocok, aku jadi bisa bercermin, dan mengambilnya sebagai contoh yang nggak mau aku ikutin. Tidak ada banyak argumen, lebih ke posisi mengamati dan mengamini bahwa ada beberapa kelakuan yang memang sebaiknya nggak dilakuin pas kita hidup di komunitas Kolektif. So, I feel blessed when I met annoying ones lol... Guess, I have met one too.. hahaha

Again, aku mau bilang kalau hal-hal kecil seperti ini nggak kalah ajaibnya sama hal-hal besar.
Count everything. and yes... give thanks...
