Friday, February 27, 2015


I have a weird mixed-feeling about time. I want it to be fast at some point and slow down at some point.

BUT! Now, I do have a wish for time to fly. I had a hair cut, and not into it at all!! I want to chop it off somehow, but at the same time, I am longing to see if it is long.

"Dear my hair, please grow fast"

I also want March to be fast as a blink. Guess, how I wish March to be fast and productive. These days been so unproductive for me. My reading list is hopeless. I haven't moved on to another book. None of my plan seems go smoothly, making me stuck and write rubbish on this blog again.

I currently am not a fan of anything. Not having any particular favorites for this month. Perhaps, because there were too many things happened.

Just let me enjoy the last day of February, watching Indonesian movie alone (again), and have more sleep.

Alright, writing this make me sound so lonely hahahha

Ah "di situ kadang saya merasa sedih"

Now, having 'es puter' and korean drama will be legit.



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