Sivibi's Notes

Along with an unfortunate reason - I must say that I decide to leave my NOTES and try to be fancier with blogspot haha. Nothing extraordinary, but then, I was a bit annoyed when I couldn't change fonts or customize freely. It's a bit irritating. Perhaps, it's not a powerful reasoning. But then... when there's a better thing available, why should I stay and get annoyed. This principle definitely is not working in every circumstances, but yes... this is just another excuse haha.
I really really reallllyyy love my NOTES. It's been a short but loyal companion. It has been a witness of my last year in college with full of colorful stories. It's quiet sad when I need to start over again. That's why I dedicate this page for my NOTES. If you do have sometime, please check it out for a minute or two, just to see who I was. Because, There's no today if there's no yesterday :)

 Seperti kata bung Karno - JAS MERAH... JAngan Sekali-kali MElupakan sejaRAH...
It might not be an important history that need to be remembered by the whole world, but it's a witness of human's growth... :)

enjoy the strawbearies after you see the notes :)